Full Skin Check – First Visit

One of our experienced and highly trained doctors will perform a full body skin check with the aid of dermoscopy and digital dermoscopic imaging where indicated looking for melanomas, other skin cancers and areas of sun damage. New patient appointments are 30 minutes long to give adequate time to do a thorough check and we have both female and male doctors available. You will need to remove makeup and nail polish prior to your appointment (if applicable). During your appointment you will also need to remove some clothing (usually down to underwear) and for this we offer private areas for dressing/undressing behind a curtain. Sheets are available to cover areas of your body when they are not being checked. You are welcome to bring a support person or request a chaperone. You will be provided with an assessment and plan on the day and some treatments such as liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy) can be done during the appointment. Please note that treatments and procedures e.g. liquid nitrogen/biopsy/surgery incur an additional fee.